What is life? what is the meaning of life?how important life is?
many people think that life was like eating, sleeping,walking and act. some people think that life was, appreciate what we have in this life...
yeah....LIFE like that.but have we think how's life is?what the deep meaning of life? as a human, we asked ourself for this 4 questions.
1) who has create us?
2) how deep we appreciate this life?
3) u were here for what?(in this world)
4 ) how happy u are, enjoying ur life now?
have we asked ourself about this for questions?
we cannot change our past...our history of life and how "WEIRD" is it.
dont blame yourself for what u has done for your past...ALL IS OVER.....
now the things that u must to do is, look at youself..what are the moral things that u learn from your past?dont stop walking..keep going.Remember, question no1 Jesus were born for us.He died for us.(Read Luke)..he sacrifice His life for us...HIS LIFE...NOT HIS THINGS...can we see it.can we feel deep His love for us..His child..
Why we can't appriciate our LIFE.... doing the things that good in His eyes..obey His words.Obey His law!
Why we still want to wasting our LIFE ! APPRICIATE IT....
Keep focusing on what u doing..Dont destroy our LIFE...
What is life? what is the meaning of life?how important life is?
many people think that life was like eating, sleeping,walking and act. some people think that life was, appreciate what we have in this life...
yeah....LIFE like that.but have we think how's life is?what the deep meaning of life? as a human, we asked ourself for this 4 questions.
1) who has create us?
2) how deep we appreciate this life?
3) u were here for what?(in this world)
4 ) how happy u are, enjoying ur life now?
have we asked ourself about this for questions?
we cannot change our past...our history of life and how "WEIRD" is it.
dont blame yourself for what u has done for your past...ALL IS OVER.....
now the things that u must to do is, look at youself..what are the moral things that u learn from your past?dont stop walking..keep going.Remember, question no1 Jesus were born for us.He died for us.(Read Luke)..he sacrifice His life for us...HIS LIFE...NOT HIS THINGS...can we see it.can we feel deep His love for us..His child..
Why we can't appriciate our LIFE.... doing the things that good in His eyes..obey His words.Obey His law!
Why we still want to wasting our LIFE ! APPRICIATE IT....
Keep focusing on what u doing..Dont destroy our LIFE...
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