Thursday, October 30, 2008

...^Buzynya aku^....

Lama aku tak lawat UMAH aku nie.....huhuhu!!!!!bukan tak nak updated story baru, tapi aku bz sgt!!!!banyak kerja.....

aiyooooooo......lama tak updated blog aku kan.....sampai2 NUCY cakap blog aku tidak kena updated.....For NUCY, aku tak malas tau...hehehehheh!!!!!!AKU BUSY!!!!!!!hikhikhik.....
faham2 lah kerja aku banyak...kalo ko nampak aku tak nampak batang hidungaku kat UMAH kita tu, aku busy lol....hihihihi!!!!!banyak gak aku ketinggalan kan NUCY, thank u lah ko sudi nak singgah kat umah aku nie...heheheeh!!!!!

anyway, aku tak main2 tau!!!aku betul2 sibuk....banyak kerja aku nak buat!!!!geram gak ngan bos nie...satu kerja belum habis, dia suruh kita buat kerja baru lagi....aiyoooooooo!!!!pening kepala aku!!!
Hah korang tgk lah kerja aku yang berlambak tu......tak tau nak buat yang mana dulu.....nie baru sikit nie!!!!nak updated report lagi then hantar email p Bank, nak updated outstanding bill lagi dan nak buat itu buat ini lagi....aiyooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!banyak nyeee..........
ok lah guys....aku curi tulang jak kejap nie..nak updated blog aku!!!!hihihihi.....tag yang aku belum jawab dari beth tu nanti aku jawap....Beth sorry erk lambat jawab tag ko..hehehhe
k lah friend...aku out dah nie...muahhhhhh
cayang korang semua...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


1.Honestly, could you use a hug right now?

~sure why not~

2.Honestly, does your father approve of you dating?

~lol he does but doesn't want his lil girl dating =]~

3.Honestly, what color is the shirt you're wearing now?

~Korang teka lah apa?heheh~

4.Honestly, what's on your mind?

~geram, happy~

5.Honestly, when did you last cry?


6.Honestly, have you watched A Shot of Love with Tila Tequilla?


7.Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?

~harus tu ok...~

8.Honestly, do you have a deep secret?

~secret is a secret cant' tell to anyone~

9.Honestly, what do you want right now?

~can't wait for next year....~

10.Honestly, have you ever made anyone cry?


11.Honestly, are you normally a happy person?

~Yup..happy go lucky~

12.Honestly, what makes you mad?


13.Honestly, do you miss anyone?


14.Honestly, what is bugging you right now?


15.Honestly, do you think that you're a good person?

~i think i am..hehheh~

16.Honestly, do you believe in love at first sight?

~i dont think so~

17.Honestly, do you hate the last person you were talking to?

~im not~

18.Honestly, are you honest with people?

~of course~

19.Honestly, what do you want in life?

~to fulfill my calling~

20.Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms?


21.Highlight of your day so far?

~teaching my youth and hanging with them~

22.Are you afraid of death/dying?

~who wouldnt be afraid of that~

23.How many people do you know with your name?


24.Do you prefer hot or cold weather?


25.Did someone make you mad today?

~don't think so~

i tagged:

*kepada korang yang aku dah TAG harus jawab k..hehheehehehhe!!!aku tau NUCY malas nak jawab TAG aku saja nak letak nama ko, Hehehehe!!!jgn marah...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

...^Aku geram^....

AKU GERAM............

korang tau tak kenapa aku geram?kerja aku makin bertambah......:(...kawan @ cousin nak berhenti kerja hujung bulan nie, so aku lah kena take over kerja nya...adui....mati lah aku!!!
dah kerja aku sendiri aku tak mampu nak handle..nie ada lagi kerja baru...aiyoooo!!!!bos aku nie pun satu, apasal tolak kerja tu kat aku...bagi lah kat senior aku tu...aku tak puas ati lah!Kerja yang aku kena bagi nie susah tau...korang tau lah kalo kerja kat LAW FIRM nie....banyak paperwork nak buat...buat pening kepala adalah.....yang aku tak tahan tu nak bertekak ngan Pihak Bank @ client kami nie banyak songeh ok...buat sakit hati!!!

Dah lah kerja aku sekarang nie pun dah pening nak buat, sekarang tambah lagi satu kerja....aiyooo!!!!!Tak larat aku tau..... !!!!!kerja yang baru nie, lagi lah banyak paperwork nak buat....mana lagi nak Auction @ lelong!!!then, nak berkerjasama ngan Bank tu yang payah sgt...faham2 lah org yang aku nak berurusan tu pompuan cerewet lagi tu....aduiiii....aku harap2 bos aku dapat cari pengganti cepat2.....boleh gak aku bagi kerja tu kat org baru nanti......

Yang aku pening lagi nie, cousin aku dah nak berhenti kat tempat kerja aku....then tak deh lah teman aku lagi!!!teman aku gila...teman aku lunch...teman aku gurau2.....sedih aku tau!!!!!!Leng...apasal lah ko nak berhenti nie...tak deh kawan aku tau...!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

~Tagged again~

Tagged from myspace friends ~Britt~..Thank u...

1.Who were you with as soon as it hit 2008?​​​​
~geng aku kat singapore

2.Who was the last perso​n to make you laugh​?​​​​
~My love~

3.How old will you turn in 2009?​​​​?​​​​
~23b Years old~

4.How many times​ does the lette​r "a" show up in your first​ name?​​​​
~sekali jer..Ludia

5.What were you doing​ at 4am this morni​ng?
​​​​~masih dibuai mimpi2 indah..hahah

6.Whats​ your relat​ionsh​ip with the perso​n you last text?​​​​
~teman2 baik aku...

7.What did you do today​?​​​​
~p kerja then lepas tu p church ada practice

8.Will your next kiss be a mista​ke?​​​​

9.If you found​ out you could​n'​​​​t have kids would​ you adopt​?​​​​
~Jgn lah kan minta2...tapi kalo tak deh rezeki pun apa boleh buat kan:)

10.Did the one perso​n who hurt you the most in your life apolo​gize?​​​
~Ada gak lah

11.Where​ was the last place​ you slept​ besid​es your bed?
~Umah cousin lol..shanty

12.Do you want kids?​​​​
~Harus lah kan....lagipun aku suka sgt kat budak2 nie

13.Who was the last perso​n to give you a ride somew​here?
​​​~Apin, BF shanty..hehehhe

14.Do you think​ that you’r​e a good perso​n?​​​​
~Aku rasa ya....tak tau lah pandangan orang..heheh

15.Who'​​​​s bed did you sleep​ in last night​?​​​​
~Mestilah kat katil aku kan....kat mana lagi

16.Are you keepi​ng a secre​t from someo​ne who needs​ to know the truth​?
​​​~ADA!!!!!...bukan nak berasiah sgt, tapi ada perkara yang tak boleh dikongsikan ngan org lain kan....

17.What do you want right​ now?
~Nak balik umah tidur.....aku penat sgt sekarang

18.What did you do on Monda​y?​​​​
~kerja lol.....lepas tu balik umah...

19.What is in front​ of you right​ now?
~computer lol.....apa lagi lagi..

20.Do you think​ your last ex will event​ually​ want to be with you again​?​​​​
~ada....malas lah nak layan...dah putus ngan kita, buat apa nak sambung balik kan..heheheh

21.How do you feel right​ now?

22.How many peopl​e do you truly​ trust​?​​​​
~ade ker org yang aku boleh percaya?1 org jer...

23.How'​​​​s your day going​ so far?
~bahagia sgt...hehehe

24.Do you find it in your heart​ to forgi​ve?​
~Harus lah....mengampuni tu harus!kan Tuhan pun melakukan perkara yang sama

25.Anyth​ing you'​​​​re looki​ng forwa​rd to?
~Yup....KKR di church..

26.When was the last time somet​hing bothe​red you?
~ntah lah....

27.Are you drift​ing away from someo​ne you were close​ with?​​​​
~tak deh lah

28.Do you miss anyon​e?​​​​
~rindu kat semua kawan2 aku...

29.Who was the last guy you punch​ed?
~adik lelaki aku...semalam...hhahaha

30.Do you think​ you will be in a relat​ionsh​ip three​ month​s from now?
~Dah ada dah...:)

31.Do you love someo​ne?​​​​

32.When was the last time you were extre​mely disap​point​ed?
​​​​~2 minggu yang lepas:(

33.Are you curre​ntly wanti​ng any pierc​ings or tatto​os?​​​​

34.Can you keep a secre​t?
~Boleh la..kalo org tu percayakan kita

35.Who was the last perso​n besid​es yours​elf to lie in your bed?

36.What are you liste​ning to right​ now?
~bunyi mesin photostat...hehehheh

37.Have you ever done somet​hing to make troub​le?
~Ada juga lah

38.Who was the last perso​n'​​​​s stoma​ch you saw?
~mana ada...diri sendiri lo

39.Do you belie​ve every​one deser​ves a secon​d chanc​e?​​​​
~Harus lah...kan kita kena bagi mereka peluang

40.What is one fact about​ the last perso​n who calle​d you?
~kawan yang mengambil berat

41.Last time you were on the phone​?​​​​
~hari nie lol..

42.Last time you washe​d your hair?​​​​
~2 hari yang lepas...:)

43.Who will you be sleep​ing with tonig​ht?​​​​
~cousin ngan adik perempuan aku

44.Do you do your own laund​ry?​​​​
~ya lah..siapa lagi nak buat kalo buat aku kan...

45.Are you getti​ng engag​ed any time soon?​​​
~Tak main lah tunang2, trus kahwin....hehehhe

46.What'​​​​s the best part about​ being​ singl​e?
~???bebas kot....

47.Do you watch​ "The Hills​"​​​​?​​​​
~tak deh lah...

48.What did you do last Satur​day night​?​​​​
~di church lol....ada practice

49.What are you think​ing about​ right​ now?
~banyak benda dalam otak aku sekarang...ehhehe

50.Weari​ng any brace​lets?​​​​
~ tak suka.....

51.Last thing​ someo​ne bough​t for you?
~komputer baru...hadiah b'day..ehhehehe

52.Do you feel awkwa​rd when stran​gers say hi to you?
~Harus lah...tiba2 jak tegur kita....

53.Are you any diffe​rent now than you were a year ago?
~Ada...Thank Jesus

54.Are you talle​r than your mom?
~Ya la....semua kami adik beradik tinggi dari mumy..heheh

55.Whats​ the furth​est place​ you'​​​ve been from home?​​​
~Indonesia...p jalan2....

56.What'​​​​s on your sched​ule for tomor​row?
​​​​~Kerja...lepas tu p church...ada study

57.Who do you not get along​ with?​​​​
~ntah lah siapa..

58.If you could​ have one perso​n with you right​ now, who would​ it be?
~My Love lol....

59.Does anyon​e know your passw​ord besid​es you?
~Semua adik beradik aku...hehehe

60.Did you have a good day yeste​rday?
​​​​~so far soooo good la.......

*Adui...panjang betul tag korang yang aku dah tag tu, jawab la k....

I tagged :

Monday, October 20, 2008

~Thanks Ucu..Harus jawab Nie~

tag dari UCU!!! thanks so much...

The rules are:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the question about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 4 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago.
10thn yang lalu????masa tu aku baru 12 thn.....apa erk aku buat masa tu?yang aku tau, masa tu aku nak ambil UPSR, then yang aku paling ingat, aku sedih sebab terpaksa berpisah ngan geng2 nakal aku...:)

2. 5 things on my to-do list today.
~ bangun tido then 'Bersyukur kepada Tuhan akan nafas yang masih ada"
~ p kat balkoni umah tgk keta lalu lalang
~ mandi..Off course lah kan berus gigi. cuci muka.....
~ p kerja...naik bus lol...belum ada lesen!hhaha
~ sampai2 jak office trus on komputer, check umah SABUN...:)

3. 5 snacks I enjoy
~ ice-cream
~ coklet
~ kek (coklet kek & cheese kek)
~ mineral water (1 hari 2 botol besar aku minum..hehhehe!cukup ker tu?)
~ keropok..

4. 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
~ Bersyukur lah ngan Tuhan aku dapat jadi JUTAWAN
~ bagi kat mummy aku...(harus tu..sbb mummy lah yang besarkan kami)
~ bagi kat church (menderma lol)
~ shopping lol.....apa2 jak yang aku suka
~ nak p korea,london & japan....hurrayyyyyyyy......

5. 5 of my bad habits.
~ suka habiskan duit ngan beli makanan..contohnya sneak..kenapa?sbb aku nak tambah berat badan aku lah....heheh
~ suka tidur lama2
~malas nak memasak...faham2 lah, aku nie tak reti nak masak...:)
~ aku nie, kadang2 malas nak buat kerja kat umah...selalu buli adik lelaki aku..hahahha
~suka cabut2 rambut aku....heheheh

6. 5 places I have lived.
~ selangor
~ Kuala Lumpur
~ Tawau (kota kinabalu)
~ kota kinabalu
~ sandakan

7. Jobs i've had.
~ grafik design
~ Clerk & admin accountan
~ sale girl jual barangan kraftangan (my first job lol)

I tagggg.
~ wannz
~ Jayz
~ Twinkystar
~ Nucy
~abg man

*korang yang aku dah tag tu, jgn lupa jawab tau....hehehhehe

Friday, October 17, 2008

...^Tak deh kerja lain^....

tgk lah apa yang aku buat nie...tyme tiada kerja, aku cari kerja...huh!!kat office tak tau nak buat apa..korang tgk lah apa yang aku buat nie....snap picture kat blog aku...hehehheheheh

1. Headline aku kat blog....slide show pun ada...hahahhah!


2. antara posting2 aku....kat sebelah tu, my buddy punya latest story..hehehhe


3. apasal ada muka penyagak kat situ...hehhehehe.....muka aku jak kan...kalau cantik tak pe la, nie dah lah "cute" kalah miss universe......hahahahhaha!!!wah, berangan nie......


4. Senarai Buddy aku...ada gak yang ada blog tapi aku tak tulis, aku tak tau blog korang...kalo korang nak, link kat aku k!nak gak tambah list Buddy aku tu...hehehehhe


5. Gambar2 aku ngan cousins...hehehhe!


6. Chat box aku....hah nie lah antara pengunjung2 yang tinggalkan jejak dorang....hehhehee...anway, thank u abg man,Nucy,fiqah ngan swan yang sudi menyelamkat sini.....hehehehhehe!tapi, lain kali selam lah lama sikit...hehehhehe



sempat lagi aku posing kat lif......huhu

nie pulak sebelum keluar lif...nak gak posing kan!hahahaha


semalam aku hang out ngan cousin aku...p lepak2 ngan dorang kat centre...huhuh!mentang2 my mum p sarawak bebas pulak aku keluar malam nie!wakkakakaka.....bukannya nak mengambil kesempatan mumy tiada di umah, tapi just for fun!hang out with my cousin juga, bukan ngan org lain kan...hehhehehe!apsal lah aku nie suka sgt ketawa....adui![;)].....

yang aku suka hang out ngan cousin aku nie, dia nie lawak!macam aku gak, satu spesies..hehhehh!gila-gila!aku nie kadang2 boring gak datang shoping complex kat sini, tak de benda yang baru semuanya sama jak...nak g one borneo, jauh lah pulak...adui...yang aku pelik nie, apasal lah dorang nak buat banyak sangat shopping complex, aku geram sgt!semua shopping complex sama jak bagi aku..yang membezakan tu, bangunannya!tapi barangan yang dijual kat dalam tu pun sama jak dengan shopping complex yang lain...huhuh.....betul kan apa aku cakap!aku nie banyak cakap pulak...tak tau nak bersyukur...hehehhehehe

lepas lepak kat centre, kitaorang p lepak kat Tg aru lagi...p sana makan!hehehehhehe!harus lah makan, perut aku berlagu dah..entah muzik apa tu!dangdut kot..hahahha

aku nie tak boleh kalo tak snap picture..nak gak posing kan

Tengak tu...sempat lagi posing ngan sayap ayam!adui.....sedap sayap ayam tu, sayap ayam madu!yummmmm....

...^Bersyukur ngan apa yang kita ada (Sambungan)^...


Thank u for u all, sebab masih sudi nak singgah kat "Rumah" aku nie...hehehehhe

aku nak sambung cerita yang belum pun dikongsikan bersama kemarin.....:)

Apa yang kita harus bersyukur?

1. Hidup

~ Apabila kita bagun dari tidur, perkara yang harus kita lakukan ialah mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan sebab masih memberikan kita nafas untuk terus menetap di bumi ini..Bersyukur yang Tuhan ,masih mahu kita menikmati keindahan ciptaanNya...dan bersyukur akan kesihatan yang Dia masih berikan..

2. Keluarga

~ kita harus bersyukur kepada Tuhan akan keluarga yang bahagia yang kita ada sehingga saat ini..Tanpa mereka kita tidak akan menikmati hidup di dunia ini sebagai "seorang pendatang yang hanya menumpang di bumi yang sementara ini"..Hormatilah keluargamu, sayangi lah mereka..sebab mereka lah "Harta" yang Tuhan berikan kepada kita....Ibu Bapa,adik beradik....kasihi lah mereka!


~Kawan adalah keluarga kedua kita...kawan lah yang menjadi "ibu bapa, mahupun adik beradik kita"..berapa banyak kah kawan yang kamu miliki?berapa kali kah kamu menyakiti hati kawan mu?tanya soalan ini dalam diri anda sendiri...hargai lah kawan kita..kasihi lah mereka!sebab kawan juga anugerah daripada Tuhan..bagi aku, selain keluarga, kawanlah yang banyak membantu, mengihiburkan dan tempat kita mengadu permasalahan kita!!

* bagi aku, perkara2 diatas lah yang aku harus bersyukur....sebab, tanpa nafas yang hidup, aku tidak dapat lagi mengasihi keluarga dan kawan2 ku...Tetapi dengan hidup @nafas yang aku masih ada, aku harus menghargai segala yang ada disekeliling ku selagi aku mampu*

Thursday, October 16, 2008

..^Bersyukur ngan apa yang kita ada^....


baru siap kerja aku nie.....tak sempat pulak nak post tentang title kat ats tu dah nak balik nie....anyway, besok aku postkan k....just nak sharing sikit ngan korang.....hehehehhee

ok lah guys....dadaaaaaa

love ya..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Dear sabunians...

Bagi sabunians yang singgah kat blog aku nie, boleh tak korang letak link blog korang....korang msg jer kat chat box kat sebelah tu...thanks ya u all....


How to Overcome Discouragement

Then the people of Judah said, “The work crews are worn out, and there is too much rubble. We can’t continue to rebuild the wall.” Nehemiah 4:10 (GWT)*** *** *** ***

Discouragement is curable. Whenever I get discouraged, I head straight to Nehemiah. This great leader of ancient Israel understood there were four reasons for discouragement.

First, you get fatigued. You simply get tired as the laborers did in Nehemiah 4:10. We’re human beings and we wear out. You cannot burn the candle at both ends. So if you’re discouraged, it may be you don’t have to change anything. You just need a vacation! Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is go to bed.

Second, you get frustrated. Nehemiah says there was rubble all around, so much that it was getting in the way of rebuilding the wall.

Do you have rubble in your life? Have you noticed that anytime you start doing something new, the trash starts piling up? If you don’t clean it out periodically, it’s going to stop your progress.

You can’t avoid it, so you need to learn to recognize it and dispose of it quickly so you don’t lose focus on your original intention.What is the rubble in your life? I think rubble is the trivial things that waste your time and energy and prevent you from accomplishing what God has called you to do.

Third, you think you’ve failed. Nehemiah’s people were unable to finish their task as quickly as originally planned and, as a result, their confidence collapsed. They were thinking, “We were stupid to think we could ever rebuild this wall.”

But you know what I do when I don’t reach a goal on time? I just set a new goal. I don’t give up. Everybody fails. Everybody does dumb things.

So the issue is not that you failed – it’s how you respond to your failure. Do you give in to self-pity? Do you start blaming other people? Do you start complaining that it’s impossible? Or, do you refocus on God’s intentions and start moving again?

Finally, when you give in to fear, you get discouraged. Nehemiah 4 suggests the people most affected by fear are those who hang around negative people.

If you’re going to control the negative thoughts in your life, you’ve got to get away from negative people as much as you can. Maybe you’re discouraged because of fear. You’re dealing with fears like, “I can’t handle this.

It’s too much responsibility.” Maybe it’s the fear that you don’t deserve it. It’s the fear of criticism. Fear will destroy your life if you let it. But you can choose to resist the discouragement. Say, “God help me get my eyes off the problem – off the circumstance – and keep my eyes on you.”

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shanty's b'day party....

yakuza,me & leng
leng,Luther,becca & peter
yakuza,ping,Leng & me

Becca,Isaac,yakuza & leng the gang stars...

Nie lah pocong2.... Tat's vs bug's

my sister

Nie kena denda dah
tu lah picture2 yang sempat aku upload...actually banyak lagi....tapi malas dah nak upload.aku pilih jer yang terbaik!:)......actually malam tu, temanya pink & for guys =pink bagi yang tak datang tak guna baju tema kena denda....nak tau denda dia apa? minum jus peria+telur+madu......erkkkkkkk!hahhahaha......ada lah beberapa org lelaki tak ikut dorang kena lo...ada gak kami main first games ialah, cabut undi...cari pasangan masing2...hahhaha!so ada lah yang terkena....datang ngan pasangan, tapi terkena ngan pasangan yang lain...wkakakakakak!game yang aku rasa best malam tu ialah,game balut mummia...hahhaha...korang tgk gak kan picture kat atas tu.....pendek kata, malam tu best sgt.........



today my cousin's b' lovely cousin!love her soooo much...

sebenarnya, b'day cousin aku dah dia sambut sabtu lepas.....meriah juga...kami celebrated kat tg.aru.....huh, acara start jam 7.30 samapi jam 3 pagi...gila kan!hehehhehhe...